Saturday, August 31, 2019

Un Convention on the Rights of the Child

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) In 1989 world leaders decided that children needed a convention that protected their rights and that people recognised that children had rights too. They felt that children needed special care and protection that adults do not The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the first legally binding international instrument to incorporate the full range of human rights—civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. The Convention has set out these rights in 54 articles and two Optional Protocols.It covers all the basic human rights and states that children everywhere have: the right to survival; to develop to the fullest; to protection from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation; and to participate fully in family, cultural and social life. The four core principles of the Convention are non-discrimination; devotion to the best interests of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and respect for the v iews of the child. Every right spelled out in the Convention is inherent to the human dignity and harmonious development of every child.The Convention protects children's rights by setting standards in health care; education; and legal, civil and social services. Article 29 is specifically aimed at children and their right to an education; it is based on equal opportunity and states that * Primary education is compulsory and free to all * Develop different forms of secondary education which should be free and with the offer of financial assistance if needed * Make higher education available for all Make educational information and guidance available for all children * Encourage regular attendance and reduce the number of drop outs. It also has guidance of how education should be delivered to the children * It should develop the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their full potential * It should develop the respect for the child’s parents, cultural identity, language, values and the national values of the country in which the child lives or originates from * It should repare the child for the responsibilities of life in a free society in an environment that offers peace, tolerance, equality of sexes and friendship among people * It should offer the chance to develop in a natural environment. childrenandyouthprogramme. info/pdfs/pdfs†¦ /uncrc_summary_version. pdf 27. 10. 12 www. csie. org. uk/inclusion/child-rights. shtml 27. 10. 12 www. unicef. org/crc/ 27. 10. 12

Traditional Viking Religion

Traditional Viking Religion The Vikings’ religious beliefs were constantly changing and evolving. They had many different ways of worshiping, and viewing their gods. It was dependent completely on where you lived, in what era, and what your social class was, though the Vikings weren’t very strict on this. Most of these beliefs were recorded after Christianity had already taken hold of the Viking culture. But, it seems that under their outer appearance of ‘good little Christians’, they were still telling the stories based on their original beliefs.These stories and myths ended up being documented in three different ways: Poetic Edda, Skaldic poetry, and Prose Edda. Poetic Edda was a compilation of poems written in Iceland just after the mid-thirteenth century. They came from all over Scandinavia, which includes the countries of present-day Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Skaldic poetry was written mostly in the ninth century, but is very compl ex, and therefore difficult for most people to understand. The Icelandic poet, politician, and historian, Snorri Sturluson, wrote Prose Edda in the 1220s.Prose Edda is the most commonly used resource on Viking mythology today, because it was Sturluson’s goal to revive (but also explain) the skaldic art. Along with his poems, he had a key of sorts that made understanding his work possible. (Wolf 148-149) Some Vikings believed that the world was made up of several circles of different worlds; all of them connected in some way. Others believed in the nine worlds that were all connected by the world tree, referred to as Yggdrasil (Roberts). Yggdrasil was at the center of the world, and had nine roots, each root branching out to one of the worlds.At the bottom of everything was Niflheim, the world of the dead. This realm is ruled by the death-goddess, Hel. She named a portion of Niflheim after herself. Unlike its Christian counterpart when it comes to the world of the dead, Niflhe im is a land of ice, not fire. There is a root leading into Niflheim, and one leading directly into Hel. Then came the land of the giants, Jotunheim. It is also sometimes called Utgard (Wolf 149); it was mostly known as the land of monsters, and enemies of the gods. After this, came a realm that there isn’t much to known about: Nidavellir, the realm of dwarfs.Next came three realms of almost equal rank. The two elf lands, Svartalfheim, the land of the dark elves, and Alfheim, the domain of the light elves. Alfheim was thought to be at the same level as the middle world, where humans dwelt, known as wither Midgard or The Middle Yard. Then at the top of everything were the two different major realms where gods lived: Asgard, where the Aesier gods and goddesses lived, and Vanaheim, where the Vanier (another tribe of gods and goddesses that were more nature focused than the Asier) lived. In Asgard and Vanaheim each deity lived in his or her own kingdom.It was believed that a flam ing rainbow bridge called Bifrost, connected Midgard to the worlds where the gods lived. There were also two other realms that weren’t connected to Yggdrasil. These were Muspell, and Ginnungagap. Muspell was the land of the Fire Giants, and demons, ruled by Surt (Roberts), who plays a vital role in both the beginning and the end of the world. Ginnungagap is the Void of Chaos, where life began. It separates Niflheim and Muspell. In the beginning, before even humans or gods there were three realms: Muspell, Niflheim, and Ginnungagap.In between Muspell and Niflheim two creatures were formed; a gargantuan frost giant, Ymir, and a huge cow, Andumla. Ymir drank some of Andumal’s milk and grew strong. After this development, the first giants sprung out of Ymir’s legs and armpits (Roberts). Then while Andumla was licking the salty ice, it uncovered the first god: Buri. He had a son by a giantess, Bestla. This son, Bor, fathered three sons with the giantess Bestla: Odin, Vili, and Ve (godchecker ink. ). These three got into a fight with Ymir, and managed to kill him; in the way all classic heroes kill monsters.Then, after hauling the frost giant’s body to the middle of Ginningagap, they created the world with him. Using his flesh for land, bones for mountains, and his blood for water. Ymir’s skull formed the vault of the sky. Still-glowing embers from Muspell were used for the sun, moon, and stars. The first tree was Yiggdrasil. It was supposed to support the entire universe. The nine realms were built off it. They then made the first man and woman out of trees, an ash and an elm that they had found washed up on the shore. From the ash and a tree trunk they made Ask, the first man.From the Elm they created the first woman, Embla. At the base of Yiggdrasil lived the three norns. These were the goddesses of destiny. They represent past, present and future, and spin everyone’s destiny. Urd works with past, Verdandi deals with the present, and Skuld decides the future. It was also their job to take care of Yiggdrasil. They watered the land as well as repaired any damage done to the tree. They were very different from the rest of the gods. They didn’t go around having love lives, and getting mixed up in feuds of all sorts of trouble. There is one thing that the norns cannot save Yiggdrasil from.At the end of the world, Ragnarok, the world tree itself will be destroyed. The Viking story of the end of the world is the end of the entire universe. Everyone except a few select gods and two humans perish. Before the great battle between the gods and the evil creatures, a dark age comes upon the earth. For three years it is a dark winter. In this time the world of men will be consumed in war with everyone fighting each other. Family ties are broken, and become friendships forgotten. These relationships are vastly important to Vikings. To have them be destroyed would seem very wrong to any Viking.To top it all off the sun, moon, and stars disappear, leaving the world in darkness. The land is shaken with terrible earthquakes, causing trees to uproot, and mountains to topple. These earthquakes also free the wolf, Fenrir, and his father, the trickster god Loki from their bonds. Fenrir was imprisoned when he grew too big, strong, and wild to be kept as a pet in Asgard. A magical ribbon was the only thing capable of restraining him. But before this, he bit off the hand of his trainer, Tyr. Loki was imprisoned when he was accused correctly of causing the death of Odin’s favorite son, Baldur.The earthquakes also anger the great Midgard Serpent deep in the ocean. The serpent will come on land, and spew its terribly poisonous venom everywhere. Along with these creatures, all of the other enemies of the gods, such as the giants and the demons of Muspell (led by Surt), will come together and attack the worlds of humans, and cross Bifrost to attack the gods. All of the gods will fight to defen d their realm, and that of the humans. However, even with all of their strength, they will fail. Fenrir kills Odin. But Vidar, one of Odin’s many sons, avenges Odin’s death.Thor is poisoned by the Midgard Serpent’s venom after killing it. Surt kills Freyr, because Freyr doesn’t have his sword. After killing Freyr, Surt catches the earth aflame, and burns it all up. Then what is left of the earth will sink beneath the sea. But that is not the end. Not of everything. Yiggdrasil still exists. In it’s branches, two humans, Lif and Lifthrasir (godchecker ink. ), were protected. Also Vidar, leading several other gods have survived. As well as these Baldr and Hod come back from the dead to help recreate earth, and rule the gods.The three most commonly worshiped gods were Frey(r), Odin, and Thor. In several instances statues of the three of them were found together, usually with Thor in the center, and Frey and Odin at his sides. These three covered most o f the needs of the Viking people, which include the needs of farmers, sailors, warriors, poets, and noblemen. It isn’t a surprise why these three were the main gods. As well as Frey, Thor, and Odin there were many other gods. In Norse mythology there are dozens of different gods, each playing a different role. Odin, for a while, was the head god.He is the god of war, revenge, wisdom, poetry, and magic. His belongings are Gungir, a spear that always hits its mark, and Draupnir, a magical gold ring that can duplicate itself. Dwarves made these items, as well as most of the god’s enchanted tools. He also had five animal allies: two ravens, Huginn (thought) and Munninn (memory), two wolves, Freki and Geri, as well as his eight-legged horse, Loki’s son, Sleipnir. He was a bit knowledge-hungry instead of the usual: power-hungry. Once upon a time, Odin gave one of his eyes to the Well of Mimir for the right to drink from the well.The Well bestowed great knowledge to hi m. This Well of Mimir lies at the base of Yiggdrasil. Another time he was said to have hung himself on Yiggdrasil for the right to know all about the runes, so he could teach man, and his gods to be literate and even more powerful. Nobles, warriors, poets and magic-users (magicians, seers, mystics†¦) commonly worshiped Odin. They all gave sacrifices to him. He was worshiped by the nobles because he himself was pretty much god royalty. Odin was also very interested in politics, and these worshippers hoped that he could help them in their thinking.The poets worshiped Odin, because he had drunk some of the poetry mead (alcoholic beverage). This made Odin very talented with his words. So they worshiped him to gain his knowledge of language. He was also a good muse, for those poets lacking inspiration. But if Odin were used as a muse, then of course Odin would be pleased, and help them with their skills. So worshipping Odin was helpful for many poets. Odin was very practiced in the art of magic. So it was thought to be beneficial for any user of magic to ask for his favor. Odin however, wasn’t the only god versed in magical arts.Any other gods who knew much about magic could be called upon. Odin was not the only option. Warriors gave sacrifices to Odin before battles, praying for victory. To gain his favor one would usually give sacrifices of either animals or humans (Roberts). But sometimes this wasn’t good enough. Odin usually got his warrior worshippers killed during battle. Many of these warriors were the dreaded berserkers, who either took a drug-like-substance or riled themselves up so that they fought like fierce animals. As you can see, he clearly had a very violent, brutal, and insane side.The beautiful Valkyries, Odin’s shield maidens, took these dead men away. The dead men were brought to Valhalla, Odin’s hall. There, the warriors fought battles with each other all day, then ate and caroused all night. Then they did it al l over again. Any wounds suffered were miraculously healed at the end of each battle. Odin is officially married to Frigg, but, like many other pagan gods, has many affairs with many other women. He had many children with goddesses and giantesses of all sorts. His most well known children are: Baldr, Thor, Heimdal, Ty, Hod, Vidar, and Valdi.The god who was worshiped the most overall was Thor. This was because he was so easy to relate to, since his talents were those that most people wanted supporting them. He was a fabulous warrior, but he was also the god of farming and storm (and therefore was the weather) god. So he was worshiped by all of the common people: farmers and seamen. Because Thor became really popular in the ninth and tenth centuries, he was the chief rival of Christ, when the Christians were trying to convert all of the Vikings. This was one of the reasons it took so long to convert all of the Vikings.Thor also had some special items that helped him out in battle. His hammer, Mjolnir, iron belt and gauntlet gloves. The hammer never missed its target, and always returns to Thor after it has been thrown, like a boomerang. The iron belt gives Thor the strength needed to throw the heavy hammer; and the gloves give him the strength in his wrists to catch the hammer when it returns to him. Thor was very prepared for physical combat. Hammer amulets (representing Thor) were widely popular throughout Scandinavia. Scads of them have been found in archeological digs. This proves how beloved by the Vikings he was.Also, in later years of the Viking period, during Thor’s â€Å"prime†, he was at the center of monuments, bearing images of him, Odin, as well as Frey. One of the best things about Thor, at least in the minds of the Viking people, is that there were never human sacrifices given to him. At least there were never any records hinting at it. He was a kind god, and protected his people in all of the myths about him. Sacrifices of animals a nd valuable objects (weapons, jewelry, especially fancy tools) were given to him in times of danger from famine or plague. This proves the people’s trust in his kindheartedness. The third most popular god was Frey.He was the god of fertility. Actually the only know male god of fertility. Sacrifices were made to him at weddings to promote the fertility of the couple. Being a god of fertility also made him the â€Å"ecology god†, which made him god of meadows, farming, fisheries, and food in general. Since his father is Niord, the sea god, Frey has some power over the sea as well. Because of this position, he became the god of ship builders too. His magically special object is a ship. It can shrink and be folded up so that he can carry it around in his pocket. But still be large enough, when unfolded, to carry all of the gods.Frey is associated with ship funerals. Wealthier worshippers of Frey would be buried on land in ships filled with typical loot, which was a type of tcommon Viking burial. He was forced to give away his sword in the long arduous process of wooing his beautiful giantess wife, Gerd. So, worshippers of Frey don’t carry swords to honor and respect him. As well as not tolerating swords, outlaws of any kind are not permitted in his presence. Frey had a twin sister: Freya, who was the most widely celebrated of all the pagan goddesses. She is at the center of many myths. She was, like her brother, a goddess of fertility.She was also a goddess of magic known as Sied (Wolf, 151), love, and the leader of the Valkyries. She was married to Od (who might have been a version of Odin), but he left her for another. She was sad, as she had truly loved him, but was strong enough to move on easily. She had rather loose morals, and â€Å"slept around† quite a bit. Using her sexual prowess she was able to get the necklace of sensuality from the four dwarves who had made it. As well as being the head of the Valkyries, she was the head o f the Thedisir, a group of goddesses who are attached to a particular place, or type of object.This made her closely connected with guardian spirits otherwise known as fylgjur. These spirits protect certain special places, such as places of natural beauty, and the homes of their worshippers. Bragi is the god who recites poetry. He is the god of all bards and storytellers. He loves to learn, and promotes others to do likewise. His wife, Idun grows the fruit of immortality: golden apples. The laboring god, Weyland is a blacksmith. He is the God of experience, and a master craftsman. He was created because the people of Iceland wanted a god that wasn’t warlike, and who was actually a useful person. (Meadows) Weyland was that god.The god of justice and law was Tyr. He was a loyal man, and fought for his leader, usually Odin. He looses a hand to Fenrir because he trusts him. This shows his ability to blindly trust, and think the best of people. That was his best trait. Though when he did learn something foul about someone, they’d better beware because one-handed or not, he is a valiant warrior. Heimdall was the guardian of the rainbow bridge, Bifrost. He had a special horn to sound, warning the other gods, when he saw Surt’s great army approaching, announcing that the great battle of Ragnarok was to commence. He is the son of Odin and the nine wave sisters.Odin’s official wife, Frigg was the mother of all, protector of children, and associated with child bearing and the home. She has a sacred â€Å"Distaff of life† that she uses to spin for the â€Å"Fabric of the Universe†. She has the power to see into the future, and is the best of all the gods in this area. Loki is the trickster god. He was both a friend and an enemy to the gods. He is always stirring up trouble. He is the parent of many of the great monsters. As an outcome of his affair with Angrbodi (a beautiful giantess) he fathered the death goddess, Hel, the monste rous wolf, Fenrir, and the midgard serpent.His only legitimate offspring was Narfi, his son. Narfi doesn’t play a very large role. When he transformed into a mare, as part of a plan to save Freya, he begot Odin’s mount, Sleipnir One time Loki got into too much trouble. When he tricked the blind Hod into killing his beautiful brother Baldyr (sons of Odin), it was decided that he had gone too far. Because of his numerous crimes, he was tied up with Narfi’s guts, and imprisoned in a cave with only his wife to ease his suffering, until Ragnarok, when he rides with Surt to destroy the gods. As the Daughter of Loki, Hel had a lot to live up to.In anticipation of her evil tendencies, Odin sent her to Niflheim, and made her the goddess of the underworld, and the dead. She doesn’t like it down there very much, and resents Odin for this. To get back at him she also joins her father and Surt for Ragnarok. Surt was â€Å"The Destroyer†. He is the leader of the fire demons, and is a key player in the final battle of Ragnarok. He miraculously survives Ragnarok, so that he can do it all over next time round. No one was said to worship him. He was the closest thing to Christianity’s Lucifer. The Vikings had to have places to worship, or not worship in some cases like Surt.Most of the Vikings worshiped outside. In holy groves and meadows that had rocks, small hills, and swamps where they placed their offerings. These places were sometimes specific for gods, but most of the time the places were just general places of worship. As well as these outdoor places of worship there were also in-town places such as holy rocks, wells and other objects. In different places, at certain times worshippers had festivals to celebrate the gods. One such festival was held every nine years. Nine men, as well as nine each of different sorts of animals (all male) were sacrificed.Their blood was presented to an idol, and their bodies were strung up in a near by sacred grove. Sacrifices that were given to the gods were mostly animals such as dogs, horses, and farm animals. They were thrown into rivers, tossed off cliffs, and hung on trees in sacred groves for their blood to drain out into the holy ground. Human sacrifices were made sometimes. It was not an every-day occasion. Only for special occasions such as a festival, when a god’s help was especially needed, or when there was another important event, such as the death of an important man.There were often temples for the gods in Viking villages. The local chieftain or leader maintained each temple. The heads of the other main households always aided them. A classic example of a Viking funeral is this: the body is cleaned, dressed with normal clothing, and buried in the ground with items the person might need in the afterlife. Such as food, drink, weapons, tools, and other such things. There would often be dead animals such as horses, dogs, chickens, and sometimes their wife/ser vant/slave. Often times the dead would be set in an underground room in a bed with all of their belongings around them.Some Vikings believed that the spirit lived on as a ghost. Either in the underground tomb their body was left in, in a special haunted hill with the rest of the family, or close to their family as a protector. The alternate funeral would be to burn the body. This was especially common for Odin’s worshippers, and people in general who died in battle, so that they would be sent straight up to Valhalla, and to that fabulous hall of fallen warriors. The Vikings weren’t all that different from any other polytheistic religion of the time. Most of their gods represented desirable human qualities; just like the Greek/Roman gods.They had a creation story, and a destruction story (apocalypse). They bury and burn their dead; just like we do today. The Vikings also believed in a sort of heaven, and in ghosts. Their religion isn’t all that different from any other. They aren’t barbaric pagans; they weren’t the only culture to sacrifice humans and animals to their gods. They Viking religion is similar to other religions, but at the same time it has it’s own mythology and myths that are very unique. The Norse religion is just a religion, with its special characteristics that have transferred from the Viking way of life over into their religion.They needed strong, warlike gods because during the age of Vikings there was a lot of fighting going on. The Vikings made their gods able to defend them form the other evils in the world; ones that the Vikings couldn’t take care of without help. Like any other people would have if they lived in the same conditions. The Christian God of the day would smite badly behaved people, and sent them to hell. The Crusades, that the whole of Christian Europe was involved in, was all about fighting. Norse mythology and religion had their Gods constantly fighting he giants and monste rs; it was a way the Vikings expressed their part in all of the violence.Bibliography: Godchecker Ink. â€Å"Viking Gods of Norse Mythology. † www. godchecker. com, January 31, 2010 < http://www. godchecker. com/pantheon/norse-mythology. php >. This resource was mostly helpful. It was a good reference point. Its facts were all very straightforward, and it had information about almost all of the places and people mentioned in Norse mythology. The one problem with the site is that it was written in a very modern style. With innuendoes, and annoying, uneducated slang and inferior language. I used it only to reference my other sources.Jovinelly, Joan, and Netelkos, Jason. The crafts and culture of the Vikings. New York, Ny: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc, 2002. Most of this book was craft projects for children. But in the page or two of information about Viking religion, I was told about the most important aspects of Viking religion. Which was very important for the organi zation of my paper. It also had all of the things that I knew that had to be in my paper. I don’t want to be less informative than a children’s book.Meadows, Edmund. â€Å"The Pre Ragnarok Viking Gods. www. viking-z. org, January 31, 2010 < http://www. viking-z. org/vikg. html >. This source was a bit overwhelming. It had a lot of information that I used, but a lot of things mixed in that either was a bit too deep, or that were about actually practicing the Viking religion. So I was forced to look through it all, and pick out the things that were relevant to my paper. But on the bright side, the information I found was very good, and it helped me a great deal with my research.Roberts, Judson. â€Å"Myth and Religion. † www. strongbowsaga. com, date accessed lt;http://www. strongbowsaga. com/introduction. asp>. This essay I found on the strongbow saga website was very useful. It had important information on all of the topics I planned to cover in the co urse of my paper. There was a detailed account on all of the main gods and supernatural beings. As well as information on the worship practices of the Vikings. There was also, included in the manuscript, the best description I could find on the creation of the earth story. With a decent telling of the end of the world.Simpson, Jacqueline. Everyday Life In The Viking Age. London, England: Jarrold and Sons Ltd, 1967. This resource was very similar to Daily Life of the Vikings. It had a lot of the same information. The main difference was that it was older and contained pictures relating to the gods, or rites described in the passage. But it, as was the former, was very useful, and had a lot of information. Including a shocking account of a Viking funeral. That was one of the best things about these two books. They had passages from the journals of people who had witnessed Viking religious rites. It was good to get first hand accounts.Wolf, Kirsten. Daily Life of The Vikings. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004. This book was exceedingly helpful. It gave me a lot of invaluable information on subjects the other sources hardly touched on. Such as the sources for all of the knowledge we have of Viking religion today. It also tells about each of the important gods, and Viking practices involving worship, funerals, and the dead. It turns out that the Vikings were very superstitious of their dead people. It was very entertaining to read about.Unknown. â€Å"Meet the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse Pantheon. www. wizardrealm. com, Janurary 31, 2010 < http://www. wizardrealm. com/norse/gods. html >. This went into a lot of detail about each and every one of the known Norse gods. It was very useful in the portion of my report where I was talking about all of the important Viking gods. But sadly, it wasn’t very special, and didn’t tell me anything that I couldn’t have gotten from another of my resources. The best thing I can say about it is that is condensed the information about each god nicely. But there always has to be one (or two) of those.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Better Teaching Through Provocation Essay

The quest for an effective pedagogy differentiates the teacher from the researcher. Within the humanities and social sciences, we are constantly confronted with the challenge of communicating complex material in a novel and effective manner. Active teaming is bolstered by an approach that emphasizes creative problem solving, and critical thinking. And active learning often begins with a question. Despite those techniques, philosophical inquiry can sometimes lead to esoteric, pedantic, or even banal approaches to teaching that leave the neophyte intellectually lost or detached from the learning process. As a discipline, philosophy itself is intrinsically provocative. In the spirit of Nietzsche’s infamously provocative style, the use of stimulating techniques in teaching introductory college courses can be immensely beneficial. Goals of Provocation The goals of provocative teaching are grounded in a conceptual framework of critical thinking as well as in an understanding and appreciation of the many psychological processes that influence mental life. The teacher’s strategy should be designed to provoke or pique students to think; that is, to analyze the grounds of their beliefs, which can be directly applied to their personal lives. Stirring questions and statements should challenge (and respectfully critique) the method and rationale by which students arrive at conclusions and reexamine the grounds for their beliefs and attitudes. Guiding Principles Guiding principles in formulating provocative teaching techniques as follows: 1. Orient the technique toward the entire class, not just one student. 2. Allow an appropriate pause time for class response.  3. Respond to all students’ responses. 4. Validate and confirm student attempts to respond or offer an explanation. 5. Use the discussion to launch into a formal presentation of the material or to augment existing didactic strategies. Classroom Examples Provocative techniques combined with systematic questioning may be applied arbitrarily to any topic. Through provocative systematic questioning, the student realizes that this type of reasoning is an informal fallacy based on an appeal to authority that became conditioned and serves as the grounds for his belief. It is better to focus questions toward the entire class, in a case like this, by focusing on one student, others join in to offer competing arguments or supportive rationale that are further examined by the class as a whole. That generally leads to an inclusive process rather than an exclusive centering on one student. Parenting and Corporal Punishment Students believed that corporal punishment was immoral. Most students believed it was morally acceptable, and some even made a case that it was immoral not to physically discipline children when they commit transgressions, because physical punishment teaches them morals. Provocative exercises may provide a personal utility for self-discovery that departs from the traditional procedures of pedantic pedagogy. Risk of Provocation When we examine controversial issues in class, we should be respectful of individual and cultural differences that may influence certain beliefs and practices, while we still maintain intellectual integrity. It should be a tacit assumption for students that acts of provocation are designed to bring rational and emotional constructs under the rubric of knowledge. No provocation should be executed merely for â€Å"shock value.† Because some students may feel intimidated by philosophical questions, the professor should try to be sensitive to the students’ cognitive acumen as well as their emotional development. Sometimes, students who are overly emotional, rigid, or vulnerable to a particular topic simply need to be reminded that the discussion at hand is only an object of intellectual investigation and certainly not a personal attack. Conclusion  We must find a method that suits our personalities and didactic styles. Instead of traditional lecturing, the combined use of provocative questions and statements that force the class to respond to a particular issue may have more impact and personal meaning than fort-formal approaches. Furthermore, the use of probing and systematic questioning gears students toward an introspective analysis of their personal beliefs, not only grounded in reason, but also linked to emotional and psychological motives that influence their perception of cause and effect. One will notice progress in their critical thinking skills over the length of the course. Rather than professing an impetuous position based upon unreflective conditioning, students offer more solid argumentation with developed rationale for their beliefs and attitudes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Horror Show at the Cinemaplex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Horror Show at the Cinemaplex - Essay Example In terms of competition in the future, it may be noted that people living in larger cities are likely to gain access more quickly to film DVDs and sophisticated movie watching equipment which would pull them away from the theatres, while the smaller regional areas are likely to continue with their theatre activity for a much longer period. This leads to the inference that Regal and AMC may decide to shift their focus and compete for the smaller regional markets, to capture the higher numbers of the theatre going public. The other two exhibitors may opt to offer digital film viewing to enhance viewer experience. It must be noted however, that there is likely to be a decline in the business activity of all the four industry rivals and more and more movie goers tend to turn away from watching movies on big screens in favour of watching them at home on sophisticated TV and DVD systems with superior audio equipment. The other side of the coin is that competition among industry rivals coul d heat up more, as they compete fiercely for customers. Cinemark and Carmike could decide to consolidate their position and thereby offer stiffer competition to the two larger rivals; hence in a lean market, these industry players are likely to consider various business-savvy moves such as mergers and acquisitions in order to aggregate and consolidate the existing markets as they rapidly diminish and to improve their negotiation ability with studios. 2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of the top four competitors' situations and strategic approaches. 2. The advantages of Regal’s strategy is focus on mid size markets using multi and mega plexes – this would ensure full occupancy and profit maximization. It is also the largest exhibitor in the United States, with 6335 screens and about 12 screens average per theatre, hence it has maximum access to film material to draw viewers in. The disadvantage is the high price, because at $7.43, it’s the highest among the leaders and consumers would be able to view the films for a lower price using other exhibitors. This factor would be especially relevant in recessionary times such as we have presently, because it could pull away many potential viewers to theatres operated by other exhibitors. Another disadvantage is that it has the highest costs per screen. AMC: This exhibitor operates 4585 screens but shows an average of 14 screens per theatre. This is the most significant advantage offered by this exhibitor because it provides consumers with maximum levels of variety in their film viewing. Another advantage this exhibitor has is the ability to pull in the crowds, because the theatres are located in densely populated, urban areas. They are not as expensive as Regal and for the major chunk of the viewing audience, i.e, the younger teen audiences, the greater variety and lower prices offer better options for a date or night out. AMC can also easily offer digital viewing, which would be yet another huge draw. The disadvantage is that because its audiences are mostly in urban areas, they are more likely to use alternative movie watching modes such as new audio equipment and DVDs which would reduce theatre going altogether. Another disadvantage is the high cost per screen Cinemark: One of its advantages is that it serves specifically targeted smaller markets Sole theatre chain for those markets Lowest average ticket price compared to other

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Project management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Project management - Research Paper Example Project management is also governed by time allocated to achieve a specific goal or objective. A proper management activity involves attaining of a goal within a specific time allocated for the completion of the activities. In management of projects, creation, implementation and measurement of results determine the effectiveness of a project management strategy (Lock, 2007). Additionally, project management involves the creation of outstanding technical skills and distinct management strategies. Each project management objective has a concept phase that has general guidelines regardless of the set goals and objectives. The concept phase in project management involves; Development of the concept statement Completion of the business analysis Review of the project concept Project concepts are principles on which a project is based. In any project management activity concepts refer to the guidelines which are set aside for mangers to follow. For instance, there is a concept which require s originality or reliable sources to be used in the creation of assumptions and results. According to Cooke-Davies (2002) project management concepts create the guidelines which govern the direction of decision making by project managers. The author further argues that project management concepts change depending on the scope of the project portfolio. For instance, the concepts used in project management portfolio in psychology and business may not be similar (Lock, 2007). History The implementation of project management strategies in organizations dates back to the 1950s. Prior to this development, engineering projects in the 1900 were controlled by engineers, master builders and architects. In the 1950, organizations started practicing complex project management project in civil engineering. In words by Loch (2000) these complex civil engineering projects required more than just supervising from experienced architects. The author further argues that the activities involved in the projects required single project management capabilities that had to be monitored in each phase. This created the concepts that initialized the activities involved in project management. Project management then grew as a discipline to other fields like heavy defense activity, construction and engineering. In the growth of project management two figures played a major role in this particular growth. They are Henri Fayol and Henry Gantt. At the same time there were also developments in project scheduling models, cost management strategies, technology of cost estimating and engineering economics. The growth of project management was further boosted by the creation of the American Association of Cost Engineers. This body aided in cost estimation strategies, cost estimating, planning and scheduling portfolios (Stevens, 2002). In 1969, there was the creation of project management institute in the USA. The body publishes A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge which is describe s the practices used in most projects and often (Dinsmore, 2005). Project management basics There are five basic of project management. These five basics are connected together strategically to bring out the whole process of project management. These five basics are represented in the diagram below. The process commences at initializing which involves project feasibility and project initiating. Then the process advances to planning which includes formulating of schedule task lists,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Alcoholics Anymous Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alcoholics Anymous - Essay Example The group also aims to provide an atmosphere where individuals do not receive judgment for their alcohol problems or any mistakes they made in their lives. The goals are to change the mindset of the individuals and their way of thinking towards life. As mentioned above, the group aims to reduce the number of individuals suffering from alcoholism. The group is successful as it began with less than five members and now there are three different groups, with each one consisting of ten members. Furthermore, in the early days of the group, the program was male dominated. However, there are now females joining the program. The group also has many testimonies from members who acknowledge the way the group has helped them stay sober. The facilitators have similar leadership styles in the sense that they do not try to stamp their authority on the group. Their role is simply to modulate the process and ensure that the meetings take place systematically. The facilitators also have a motivational role and attempt to encourage, empathize and give suggestions to members of the group. The group has control over the direction each session takes, as they decide which aspect of the program they want to discuss. The therapeutic interactions can be seen between the facilitators and the individuals recovering from alcoholism. There is a therapeutic interpersonal relationship as the facilitators provide support psychologically for the members. There is also therapeutic communication as the facilitators respond to each patient differently. 6. Did you see any negative behaviors in your group? If so, explain their behaviors and the reactions from other members and facilitators. (For example someone who demoralizes others, someone who says nothing, or someone who completely monopolizes the group). There were no negative behaviors in the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Thermoplastic polyester elastomer nanocomposites Assignment

Thermoplastic polyester elastomer nanocomposites - Assignment Example It also shows very good resistance to impact, tear, creep, and abrasion. Inorder to improve to improve mechanical, therma and electrical properties of TPEs (Aso 2006, 2854) fillers such as mica, clays, silica, kaolin, and talc are added (Sreekanth 2009, pg. 272). Mica improves critical properties of TPEs, these properties are cost effective . which are cost effective (Sreekanth 2009, pg. 272). This position has also been supported by LeBaron et al. (1999, pg.12) who argues that composites that show a change in structure and composition over a nanometer length always exhibit property enhancements in comparison to conventioanally scaled composites. Layered silicates which have been distributed as a reinforcing phase on a polymer matrix are an example of such mixture of inorganic/organic nanocomposites (LeBaron et al.1999, pg.12). Some of these enhanced properties are, increased moduli, increased heat resistance and strength, and also decreased flammability (Ray et al. 2003, pg. 2355). For example, in a nylon layered silicate with 2 % with volume of inorgan ic content, doubling of strenghth and tensile modulus is achieved (Giannelis 1997, pg. 675). The reason why nanocomposites exhibit improved characteristics as compared to conventional composites is because the dispersion of clay nano layers increases the number of reinforcing elements available that can deflect cracks (LeBaron et al.1999, pg.13). Coupling between polymer matrix and the large surface area (760 m2/g) increases stress transfer to the reinforcement phase, which enable toughning and tensile improvement by (LeBaron et al.1999, pg.13). In addition, layered silicates thickness are in the order of 1 nm and they also have high aspect ratios in the magnitude of (10-1000) (Ray et al. 2003, pg. 2355). There are various reasons why there is an increase in the high aspect ratios of the nanocomposites.According to Yano et al. (1993), it is possible that the improved barrier

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Individual application paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual application paper - Essay Example This could be because am junior to him or we are not very close friends. I believe in his own way, he is right because based on my understanding and knowledge, the owners of the restaurant also has never questioned him or complained. I think generally I don’t like Erick the manager. I do not know whether my dislike for Erick will create a negative attitude toward him or am just being biased. His style of management does not conform to the normal style of management which has been in existence since I joined Franklin group of companies. I do not welcome his tendency of hiring his friends to work in the restaurant because some are incompetent like Colleen. Despite that I do not agree with his style of management, I think Erick also believes he is right in his own way of doing things. However much I can be critical or conservative to some of his decisions, I think he trusts the people he always hires. Take a scenario of an episode, which occurred last Saturday night, and you will agree with me. The policies of the restaurant stipulate that an employee cannot leave the cafe at the end of the working day before being released by the manager. However, on the material Saturday, Colleen, a waitress and one of the friends of Erick, was to go home at 11.30 pm but was not yet released by the manager. ... Two clients comes into her sections and she ignores them. Her behavior made me dislike her so much because she does not value work and responds to me rudely. I may be judgmental to her but I think to Colleen, she knew her time was up and was waiting to be released. Similarly, her response to me that she did not see the clients might be true given that it was a busy evening and many people move in and out (Mind Tools, 2013). Similarly, I later decided to approach the management about the incidence despite the fact that I knew what would be the response of the manager. I do not think Erick could have responded well could he have more time to with me or if I could have come another time. This is because he only spared me one minute on such a sensitive matter. But generally I believe maybe my report undermined his decisions on the operations of the restaurant or he liked the waitress. My Action plan After studying the situation in the restaurant for some time now and was not pleased with the way it was being managed, I look for an opportune moment to act for the well being of the restaurant. The issues I identified that need action was the general manager to stop hiring his friend the restaurant most of whom are lazy, the working policies to be followed and the management should consider the opinions of the junior employees in managing the restaurant (Mind Tools, 2013). I feel that the general manager ignored my report and the well being of the restaurant and I believe I was right in reporting the matter to him as the general manager of the restaurant. My plan of action will mainly focus to the manager and if it fails, I will try to seek audience with the owner of the restaurant. Furthermore,

Saturday, August 24, 2019


HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN BUSINESS CONTEXT - Essay Example It shows that the entire process starts from the time the employee is recruited, though it is a long procedure and the organization tries to be as fair as they can in selecting employees, but there is no guarantee that the employee would keep the job, so from this view the redundancy threat starts taking place in the mind of the employee, only a strong bond with the organization can keep this fear out of employee’s mind. The human resource department in any organization of this world has gained most importance in the modern era, it is because of the fact that what ever an organization achieves, it achieves on behalf of human resources, today human resource gains the utmost importance in every field simply because of the growing demands of the world, there is an entire process used in organization for employees, which includes all the happenings from their selection to retirement or redundancy. The employment is always related to the well being of the economy, if an economy is having job saturation and the employment cycle is not working well than it automatically makes an economy weaker and unstable, as a consequence other related factors are also affected, such as GDP/GNP, so in order to keep an economy healthy the working of the employment cycle should be proper and the various sectors running a country’s economy should keep in view those important things that can disturb the economy of that country. The entire unemployment process starts from the point when the disturbance is caused in the society, which in the case of Europe was the beginning of the nineteenth century when the industrial sector gained popularity and concepts of trading started getting prominent, in that time the employment and unemployment had taken place, the growing number of policies and rules were also causing unemployment, it had almost discouraged every person from the working class, because they had no surety of their current job, it was becoming a problem, but

Friday, August 23, 2019

Medival Armor Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medival Armor - Research Paper Example The term â€Å"medieval† refers to the time from the 11th century AD until the end of the 15th century, known as the â€Å"Middle Ages,† as it is the â€Å"middle† period in time, separating the antiquity from modernity. This paper will investigate the different types of armor used in warfare during the Middle Ages, from small pieces of low-strength armor to the fully-enclosed suits of armor worn by the wealthiest of soldiers. In order to understand the types of armor used during the Middle Ages and the purpose behind each, it is necessary to understand some of the background behind the Middle Ages. Characterized by economic dislocation, plague, war, social upheaval and increased violence, the Middle Ages are sometimes referred to as the Dark Ages (McKay, Hill, Buckler 379). The middle ages began after the fall of the classical Roman Empire, and with that fall, the political organization of Europe was relinquished in favor of a much more fragmented style of gover nance – feudalism (Weapon 56). This system was based upon the division of the peoples into smaller land factions under the leadership of a noble. The noble would provide his subjects with a parcel of land in exchange for military service or protection. The people were responsible for providing their own arms and armor, and could be called upon to serve at any point in time. Domestic work, such as farming and household duties were left to the woman of the home (Stephenson 2). During the time period, war was often fought for religious causes and attacks from mounted nomad tribes (Weapon 56). After the invention of the riding stirrup in the 8th century, soldiers no longer arrived at the battle on horse and fought on foot, but rather they fought on horseback, since the stirrup provided much better stability when using a spear or sword (Weapon 57). Large battles known as â€Å"pitched battles† were fought usually in open spaces, between enormous masses of infantry and caval ry. The opposing infantries attempted to break the ranks of their enemy, and once this feat was accomplished, the mounted cavalry would enter the battle, slaying as many infantrymen as possible, while further disrupting the enemy ranks (â€Å"Medieval Warfare†). In addition to pitched battles, forces often utilized siege warfare to breach the fortifications of the enemy. In order to understand the armor used during the middle ages, it is necessary to understand what types of weapons were used against the armor. There were three main categories of weapons used: bladed weapons, staff weapons, and the bow and its variations. The weapon of choice for most soldiers was the sword – a heavy cutting weapon used to hack through anything in its path (Weapon 62). In addition to the typical long and flat sword, there were sharply-pointed thrusting swords with blades that became progressively longer as armor developed accordingly (Weapon 62). The next major weapon of choice was the staff weapon – basically, a combination of either the spear or lance with an axe, hammer or mace. The result of this combination was a weapon that could be used like a lance during a charge or like an axe during close hand to hand combat (DeVries 29). In addition to bladed and staff weapons, bows and its variations were fairly common during combat. Longbows were capable of firing an arrow up to 360 yards (Weapon 78). Even more capable than the longbow was the crossbow, a weapon with a horizontal bow attached to a stock. The bow was held in place with a latch, and would fire at the pull of a trigger, at

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Safeguarding Young People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Safeguarding Young People - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the world is changing and so are the people living in it. Every day we are bombarded with news of new technology evolving, new cures for the ailing and progress and research in every field. Unfortunately, the changing world has also given us a reason to fear for our safety. Since the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center, terrorism has become the ‘it’ word and our times has seen quite a few examples of terrorism already. The US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq has instilled fear of attack against all Muslim nations just because terrorism and Islam have time and again wrongly been used concurrently and many times interchangeably. However, the successes and concerns discussed above have all been on the Macro level. It is important that these successes and concerns be judged on an individual level too. At this microscopic level, we can find out lesser issues of life and the little reasons happiness. Scoring a good grade on a term paper might be the source of happiness for a student while family pressures may be a distressing factor. This paper aims to discuss these micro-level problems the youth face in that period from birth becoming young adults. â€Å"Today’s youth is tomorrow’s future†. This adage holds true since children of today will inevitably become important people in the future. Protecting and looking after them is not only a duty of the parents but also of the whole society. Sometime in the future parents will expect their children to look after them, and the society would want that the children take care of the society’s values and beliefs too. ‘Safeguarding’ is the term that is used to describe the caring and protection the youth need against the various harms and risks they unknowingly face each day. (Safeguarding, Page 257) The example in Activity 1 (page 257) helps us to discover the concept and meaning of ‘Safeguarding’. In the example, Carl is described as an outgoing person who hangs out with his friends. He is abused at home so he goes out with some street friends who are of the wrong type and so he gets involved into wrong activities as well resulting in his grades at school to drop. Evaluating this scenario we can say that everybody near him is at a risk of getting hurt. Hanging out with the wrong type of friends may harm the whole society. Being irregular at school and a source of getting bullied also poses risk to the school environment and other students. However a social worker would describe as Carl being at the highest risk. Domestic abuse, bullying, lighting a fire and abusive language are the risks that Carl faces in his life. He might be kicked out of school and since his parents don’t care about him, and end up with his hooligan street friends stealing to live his life and if he gets caught someday, he will end up in prison. This is how easily a person’s life can be destroyed if they are not safeguarded. Therefore it is our binding duty to protect such innocent children and show them the correct path to the future. Problems Faced Children usually perceive their problems to be connected with the broad domains of school, family and friends. These are usually the domains through which the children get to interact with others and learn. Problem such as domestic abuse may lead to pervasive and persistent damage to health. Family and social relationships will inevitably decrease and the child will become anti-social. Getting bullied in school may hamper the education capability of a person and can downgrade the emotional and behavioural development. The child then might just want to hide his social presence and not participate at all in collective activities that are prompted by the society. (Safeguarding, Page 258, 259) (Young People and Welfare, Page 1) It is observed that when young people are able to rid themselves from situations of harm, they make them vulnerable to a different sort of harm that is usually more dangerous. A child, who runs away from home since his father abuses and hits him, might adopt a more passive

Old Building as Monuments Essay Example for Free

Old Building as Monuments Essay Should we preserve old building as historical monuments? I believe that different people will hold different perspective to this question. In my point of view, a city should preserve the old historic buildings. Being a container of human activity, Building, obviously, is also a reservoir of human history and culture. To some extent, preserving old historic building means respecting the previous generations. An old building can insinuate historical events happened in the city. Old buildings, as a symbol of architectural heritage, memorize the significant episodes. Looking at the shabby Rome city, almost devastated temples, demolished palace, it is not hard to imagine the prosperous kingdom of the ancient Rome. We can also acknowledge that these buildings are ruined after the kingdom was vanquished by the enemy. Thus, historic buildings are one fundamental method to learn about significant events in the history. Read more:Â  Essay About Importance of Historical Places The old historic buildings of a city would accentuate a citys culture and characteristic. The Kashgar city is the best example; Chinese government has approved a bill of rebuilding the Kashgar old city, which is 1500years old and main heritage of Uyghur culture, a significant culture of Central Asia. Although a new modern city have been built near to the old one, the most attractive place of Kashgar is still the old city, which has many old historic buildings. The people who want to know about Uyghur culture, one of main culture of Central Asia, always go to visit the old Kashgar city. Preserving old historic building means respecting the previous generations. Maybe some old buildings have negative effect on the cityscape or its function, however, with the consideration of respect previous people, we have no right to destroy or substitute them for modern buildings. On the other hand, we have the responsibility of preserving them to our next generations so that they could have the opportunity to know about their predecessors tangibly. Nevertheless maintaining historic buildings needs tremendous amount of money and old buildings are easily destroyed by earthquake, the cultural value of a historical building is worth preserving on economical expense. To learn more about the history, to more distinguish from other culture, for next generations` sake, stop destroying the historic buildings.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Single World Order | An analysis

The Single World Order | An analysis Albert Schweitzer once said that The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings. How do we develop this sense of solidarity? All begins from your own self-awareness. Sometimes as humans, we feel that we have already fulfilled the requirements to be an ethical person. We all have a pretty good idea what are being ethical means, based on our own experiences, values and beliefs. But yet we still struggle with hard ethical questions in our roles that seem to have no simple answer. Generally speaking, ethics refers to the study of right and wrong behaviors. In daily lives we are regularly faced with important questions about what to do. Should I keep my promise or should I just break it? Should I give some of my money to the panhandler or keep it myself? Ethics, as a field of study, goes to find principles and rules for responding such day-to-day questions. How if nationalities are dissolved in favor of global citizenry (i.e. A single world order), would the world be ethically and morally better? The answer could vary, depends on what kind of government that will be built and how citizens respond to this. Advantages and Disadvantages of Single World Order Global citizenry or more known as single world order is a government system where the whole world is sharing the same rules and regulations without any exception. All of the citizens should listen and obey the protocol without any attempt to break the rules and regulations. In this democracy world, people should be given the freedom to express their opinions. Some countries still do not provide the freedom to give free speech. This situation can be referred as unethical situation. Each state would have the respective governments in which they have its own regulations. For some people, they cant really accept the rules that are applied in other countries. What will be the result if the entire countries united and have only one rule alone or well known as single world order? What could happen? If from the beginning when the world first formed, single world order has also been carried on; maybe this world could be ethically and morally better. A single world order would be impressive if it is properly done, but would be terrible if it were not just the right way. Although it may be a good decision, but actually theres some difficulties might be found since there are a lot of ethnic, race, nationality, religion and different culture. Looking at majority opinion and research that has been done by Dave Pederson, it says that a global government can be an evil beast which if loosed can only accomplish unfettered destruction. Given todays technology that is placed in this kind situation of carnage would be nearly impossible to destroy. Since technology would give them, those people with power, a lot of help to control this world. One of the strongest reasons to not have single world government is because dozens of peoples minds have not changed yet. The human races have not fully learned the value of teamwork and collaboration when it comes to an international scale. Everyone will be fighting with one another to get their way and that single world order will be nothing but a price for one nation to rule upon others. We need to have a major worldwide disaster such as World War III, which we expect it wont happen; environmental changes, or the discovery of something new, that we are not alone in this vast universe. Humanity must get this one government, only then we can fully apply all the advantages of a single world order. Somehow, this single world order would be a good idea, but it would have to be carefully made. Having one government in this world is the only way to achieve anything resembling world peace since it would build the feeling of patriotism irrelevant, because theres only one government to be patriotic to. However, the bastions of power that this world has been already way too big. There is one old adage says: There aint no such thing as a free lunch, which means it is impossible to get something for nothing. If such a government were imposed it would most likely mismanage resources due to the structure of the power in general. This world needs people to facilitate trade and communication between one another. However, those people are the ones with power; the message becomes corrupt and no longer reflects the common person. As some research has been done, there is some religion that against this single world order. They even start asking, is the single world order plausible? We all certain if this kind of situation announced in every corner of the world, it will spread very fast. Once its applied, it starts controlling the world just in the blink of an eye. Unless the citizen wake up from their lifeless careers and start thinking about the consequences and intentions of these single world order proponents and their plan there will not be a world to live in where people can be free much longer as before. (Is a One World Government Plausible, 1995) A lot of many different steps are being taken in order to push to a new single world order as stated in Courtnie Campbells article. It would harm us, as citizens; more than help us in the end. It would be very problematic, and it would be no way to controlling. How can the entire world agree on one type of government while we might end up having one leader that can be a dictator? Everything would not get along and it would just end up being a big dictatorship because there would be fights for power and on and on again. The only moral justification for a democracy where it can raise up the world, is that it permits the citizen to elect a good government. If the citizen fails to do that, then democracy misses any moral legitimacy it had. The ordinary fact that an evil or unfair government was democratically elected confers no existence rights on the government. The evil human beings have done in pursuit of their ideals is unrivaled. If you doubt about it, think of the colossal disasters and enormous tragedies caused by twentieth century government planners pursuing the loftiest ideals. (Hocutt, Max., 2010) Ethics in Government Why should we care and pay attention about government ethics? One of the reasons that often stated is the importance of government ethics to participate democratic government. As a democratic nation-state, citizens should actively participate in the democratic process. If citizens came to believe that politicians and governments were generally unethical and did some corruption, they might develop a strong sense of indifference towards the governments. This in turn, may result in people withdrawing, and also step back from the participation. Government ethics can play an important role in confirming this does not happen. By setting out clear and unmistakable rules that public officials must tolerate by, and by occupying persons responsible when those rules are broken, citizens can have confidence in their elected representatives and the political system. Nevertheless, citizens can take some ease in knowing when unethical behavior does and will occur. (Ethics in Government: Concepts, Issues Debates, 2007) Ethical Evaluation of Single World Order If we relate this issue to the 4 ethical evaluations, we can see that a single world is an ethically wrong action or an ethically right action. (Michael Jay, 2009) Kantian Evaluation By looking at the Kantian perspective, those few people that have been thinking about creating a single world order, are treating other people as a means to an end. Why is it so? If the single world order is being used, like what has been mentioned earlier, those people with power will take advantage from those common people that cant even do anything since they have no power to against you. Hence, single world order is wrong. Act Utilitarian Evaluation Violates Act Utilitarian; Action is immoral if there is a net deficit in happiness. Its all about the total happiness that we receive. Lets say that the population of the world is 7,000,000,000 people. The government will also need people to work for them; to control the process of the world that is going on. So they might need around 10% of the population. The 10% of governments people might feel happy because they can work in the government. Where the rest, 90% of the population; might feel unhappy because of the certain reasons that is stated above. The total unhappiness is bigger than the total happiness. Therefore, single world order is ethically wrong. Rule Utilitarian Evaluation The general case is to be likely similar to the specific case in the Act Utilitarian point of view. If a lot people against the single world order, which is a government system, the usefulness of the government will fall for everyone. If no one believes the government anymore, then there is no point of having a government system. Everybody will not obey the rules and the regulations that have been made by the government itself. When all of these consequences are considered, it seems clear that single world order is wrong from a rule utilitarian perspective. Social Contract Theory Evaluation We all have the right to free speech, where people should respect your rights. This social contract theory violates an action that goes against the rules that govern among citizens. The rules are based on the rights and negative rights of the community. People might just spread out their idea about having a single world order, create it with the rules and regulations, ask citizens to follow it. But looking at it the other way, your right to freedom of speech doesnt come with a requirement that anyone has to listen to what youre saying. Thus, a single world order is ethically wrong. (Ethics for the information age, Quinn. M. J., 2011) Conclusion and Recommendation As we can see from all the explanation and the reasons above, we can conclude that if all the nationalities are dissolved in favor of global citizenry (i.e. A single world order), the world wouldnt be ethically and morally better. It might be better if we have our own government in our country, which made its own rules and regulations, since it would not give the citizens cultural shock; if the single world order is really being created. Stephen R. Covey once said, People cant live with change if theres not a changeless core inside them. The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value. Therefore, there is a way to build an ethically and morally better world, by fulfilling all these 3 steps: create, share and inspire. First of all as a citizen, we need to create an ethical life within ourselves. Is this kind of situation that I created will make people feel unhappy? Is my action bringing disadvantage to people around me? These kinds of questions must have crossed your mind before. After you applied the ethical life into your daily life, you can start sharing it to other people to let them understand, by showing them how ethical life is. Share it to your closest people, i.e. family and friends, by inspiring them. But of course, you need to remain ethical and moral. Try to create something that could indicate that you would bring happiness to the people around you, not disastrous or any disadvantages. If you have managed to inspire the people around you, then you, yourself have been successful in building a better world, which is ethically and morally better. (University of Virginia, 2012) Word Count: 1981 words. Annotated Bibliography Article 1 Journals Citation Hocutt, Max., 2010, Morality: What in the world is it?, Journal of Behavior Philosophy, Vol. 38, p31-48, 18p. Introduction About the morality that a world should have Aims and Scope The journal discussed about the law conception of morality Usefulness If we want to know what sort of thing real morality is, how we are obligated by it, and why we should obey it, we must begin with empirically determinate realities, not religious myths and utopian ideals. Limitations By only focusing on real moralities, we can understand morality exists and imposes obligations on us Conclusions Actually It is comparing existing moralities to each other that we can hope to discover which of them does a better job of performing its proper functions. My reflection Thus, we need to perform the morality start from ourselves, only we try to apply that to the whole world. Article 2 Journals Citation Hellman, Deborah, Judging by Appearances: Professional Ethics, Expressive Government and the Morality of How Things Seem (2001). Maryland Law Review, Vol. 60, p. 653, 2001. Available at SSRN: or Introduction In this journal, the authors review that concerns to the societys ambivalence about appearance of impropriety standards for public officials and professionals is important Aims and Scope By widening the range of improper actions by including those that appear improper there may be more ethics-related inquiries and prosecutions which, ironically, may itself erode public confidence in institutions by making it seem that there is far more corruption than was ever thought Usefulness This journal is useful for my research topic because it is explaining the important differences between appearing to do wrong and expressing a constitutionally problematic meaning Limitations The limitation of the journal is the whole idea is too complicated. Conclusions This journal helped us to clarify what is the expressive dimension of state action is. In developing the ideas in this journal, we can see that it is the meaning of what is manifest or displayed that alone is crucial. My reflection Thus, this journal helps me in finding out the difference between appearing to do wrong and expressing a constitutionally Article 3 Journals Citation KIDDER, RUSHWORTH M. (12/2005) Moral Courage, Digital Distrust: Ethics in a Troubled World. Business and Society Review, ISSN 0045-3609, 110 (4), p. 485 505. Introduction The book itself is discussed using real-life stories from business, education, government, sports, and other areas Aims and Scope It is to explain what moral courage is, what it does, and how we can develop it Usefulness It also tells us about ethical behavior in individuals, institutions and nations through research, public discourse and practical action Limitations Because it was discussed using real-life story, some people might not really get what is the meaning behind the story Conclusions This journal offers a step-by-step guide, including checklists, on how to apply moral values to difficult situations, understand the risks (more often career troubles and social ostracism than physical harm) and endure hardships brought on by moral courage itself My reflection So, we as a people must put limits on how much technology we allow in this world. We must be able to be a technologically advanced country that also stays in the lines of the values of others and this journal helps a lot in my research. Article 4 Scholarly Internet sites Citation (1997) Living a Moral and Ethical Life Elder Wisdom from ThunderStrikes. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 Sep 2012]. Introduction This article defines what constitutes ethics and morality Aims and Scope It is to make the reader understand about how important is living a moral and ethical life Usefulness To have a moral and ethical life, you need to see 5 aspects of the world: mineral world, the plant world, animal world, the human world, and spirit world Limitations Somehow, it has too many real-life examples that is not too straight forward, so it is quite hard for me to understand Conclusions But, as a human, we need to forgive people that did a lot of bad things to you My reflection Thats one way of living a moral and ethical life Article 5 Scholarly Internet sites Citation (2007) Ethics in Government: Concepts, Issues Debates | [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Sep 2012]. Introduction Government ethics refers to a particular professional code of conduct for those who work in and for government. Government ethics, therefore, involve rules and guidelines about right and wrong behaviors for a host of different groups, including elected leaders, elected representatives, political staff, and public servants. Aims and Scope This article tells us about what is the importance of government ethics. Usefulness It includes the code of conduct and the code of ethics that is being used in government Limitations The limitation of the article is it only talks about the importance point. It doesnt include the advantages and disadvantages Conclusions This article helps us in clarifying what is government ethics and how it should be done My reflection Thus, it helps a lot in my research paper. Article 6 Books e-books Citation Colls, R. (1998), Ethics Man: John Grays New Moral World. The Political Quarterly, 69: 59-71. doi: 10.1111/1467-923X.00137 Introduction Explore the key issues of the day. Dedicated to political and social reform Aims and Scope Addresses current issues through serious and through provoking articles Usefulness Talking about topical issues and underlying trends politics Limitations It limits itself until the political stuff Conclusions Somehow, the new moral world should build start from the politic side where they need to clean out the corruption My reflection This book is useful for me, since politic is always about government. Article 7 Books e-books Citation Encyclopedia of Ethics, 2nd edition, ed. Lawrence Becker and Charlotte Becker (New York: Routledge, 2001), vol. 3, pp. 1706-1708. Introduction The point is especially important for the kind of absolutist ethic that Immanuel Kant defends. Aims and Scope Kant held that moral rules have no exceptions; on his way of thinking, we may never lie, we may never break a promise, and so on. Usefulness This is a clear example of an ethic that seems not to work in practice, for sensible people recognize that in extreme circumstances even very serious rules may have to be broken. Limitations Somehow, Kant said that it works fine on the theory but it doesnt work in practice, where he just taking back his statement about how ethics should work. Conclusions The relation of ethical theory to practice might be like the relation between biology and medicine, where they related and depends on each other. My reflection Thus, I believe that it is easy to tell others what ethics is, how should you done it, but it is very hard when it comes to real-life practice. Article 8 Journals Citation Campbell , C. (2012) A One World Government. Globalization in Todays world, Vol. 1. Introduction The globalization has come a long way over the past century, especially in the past decade. The possibility of a one-world government was formerly viewed as radical and was dismissed without even a second thought. Aims and Scope Multinational corporations are playing a huge role in the formation of the New World Order. These corporations are invested in many countries worldwide. Multinational corporations are simply interested in maximizing corporate profits (Crook). In doing so they have replaced democracies and democratic forms of governments worldwide (Crook). Because multinational corporations are very rich, the use their money as power. In theory, as the corporations increase in power, democracy [will be] replaced, bought, and corporate paid for and [will] no longer exist (Crook). Usefulness It tells you what exactly happened in this real world. Limitations It limits itself only to what happened with the government and the multinational corporation. Conclusions Their overall goals are to persuade the world into a one-world government that will be governed by the Illuminati themselves My reflection It is honestly very scary to know that our future and our country lie in the hands of these multinational corporations. Article 9 Newspaper Citation (2000) Guest Article by Rebecca Sumner for London Daily, the londoners newspaper. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 13 Sep 2012]. Introduction This newspaper talks about events in Kosovo. As the events in Kosovo unfolded, few questioned the imperative for war Aims and Scope It is to spread our motive; which is humanitarianism. Usefulness Rebecca Sumner uncovers what we were never told before. Limitations But yet the humanitarian argument is famously flawed Conclusions My reflection So the conclusion is questionable: The facts beg a terrifying question: To whom now, is NATO accountable? Article 10 Books e-books Citation Race and culture : a world view SOWELL, T. (1994). Race and culture: a world view. New York, Basic Books. Introduction This book gives an international to themes from earlier works like Ethnic America and Markets and Minorities Aims and Scope It is argued that major economic and social differences between groups cannot be explained by environment Usefulness The persistence of traits among certain ethnic groups under a wide variety of circumstances, suggesting the weak influence of environment Limitations This book attributes the ethnic groups more to culture than nature Conclusions Decades of bearing down with increasing myopia and intensity of these current issues has generated more heat than light, but there is an alternative: dont rush in for the argumentative kill. Step back to learn. Acquire a wide historical perspective; perceive our current and national issues within the history and geography of the world. With a searching and honest examination of the big picture, many of our current confusions become clearer. Cultural behaviors turn out to develop naturally by people coping with their various conditions, and when we see this, cultural variations are less easily attributable to racial natures and capacities. My reflection Thus, the painful history of racial and ethnic relations is a sobering reminder of the high stakes which make clarity imperative and obscurantism dangerous. Article 11 Scholarly Internet sites Citation (2011) Do you think that One World Government is only Solution to the World Problems?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Sep 2012]. Introduction This article talks about will one world government be the solution to the world problems? Aims and Scope It discusses about the arguments for and arguments against a one world government Usefulness It also tells you about the benefit and disadvantages if one world government is used Limitations But somehow It doesnt tell you exactly whether the one world government would be good for this whole world or not Conclusions Theres always positive and negative points about one thing My reflection Thus, this article tells me that one world government might have its advantages and disadvantages which we dont really know yet since it havent been used. Article 12 Scholarly Internet sites Citation (2012) Building an Ethical World: Create, Share, Inspire  « Building an Ethical World. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Sep 2012]. Introduction This article tells you how to create an ethical world by create, share, and inspire Aims and Scope It is to tell the whole world, what should you do to have a better world Usefulness It also brings a lot of positive attitude Limitations But It doesnt really tell you how do you share and inspire people Conclusions When you want to have a better world, you need to start it from your own self My reflection So, I really think that if we want to work hard on building our own ethical life, we can build an ethical world as well. Start in from my own self. Article 13 Scholarly Internet sites Citation (2010) Morality in the Real World  « Philosophical Multicore. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 15 Sep 2012]. Introduction The morality in the real world article discussed about what kinds of moral value do and do not exist in the natural world, how we can examine these issues carefully, and how we can (really) make the world a better place. Aims and Scope This article is to reveal their unusual beliefs in the name of utilitarianism Usefulness It tells you the reason behind an action Limitations The limitation of this article is because it is too focused on utilitarianism Conclusions If we are following Utilitarian morality, the actions we take in each of these situations will be very different. It is worth examining these two moralities separately. Strict Utilitarianism is the set of morality in which we assume that every rational being acts according to Utilitarianism; Practical Utilitarianism is that in which we remember all the constraints and imperfections of the real world. My reflection In my opinion itself, the real world is not nearly so simple. 14 Scholarly Internet sites Citation (2010) The Benefits of One-World Government.. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 12 Sep 2012]. Introduction Using real-life examples to explain the situation Aims and Scope Tells you what is the benefit of one world government Usefulness You might understand more because of the cases that are used as the examples Limitations No conclusion stated from the article Conclusions But still, Globalization is still the best method to control this world My reflection Viva globalization! Article 15 Scholarly Internet sites Citation (1995) Is a One World Government Plausible. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 15 Sep 2012]. Introduction Is single world order good for us, as citizen and common people? Aims and Scope This article is made to against single world order Usefulness It tells you a bunch of advantages of a single world order Limitations But too sad, this article has too many history stories which are confusing for people that dont know much about history. Conclusions Actually, the world domination is the goal of all the worlds most corrupt and subversive secret societies. They control the media, education, entertainment, politics, religion, academia, military, corporations, banking, and investment, and the major industries My reflection Therefore, the single world order or one world government is not plausible. Article 16 Books e-books Citation Ethics for the information age QUINN, M. J. (2009). Ethics for the information age. Boston, Pearson Addison Wesley. p.113-115 Introduction That particular page discuss about ethical evaluation of spamming Aims and Scope It is to prove whether spamming is ethically wrong or right Usefulness Somehow you know why is spamming wrong in this perspective Limitations But it doesnt specify the definition of the evaluation. (but it has been stated in another page, which I dont use it as reference) Conclusions Thus, spamming is wrong My reflection This particular page is useful for my research, where I can take the main points here and include it in my research paper. Article 17 Books e-books Citation Ethics for the information age QUINN, M. J. (2011). Ethics for the information age. Boston, Addison-Wesley. p. 95-111 Introduction These particular pages of the books talk about the ethical evaluation, which is almost the same with his previous book that published in 2009. Aims and Scope It tells you about how can you relate this ethical evaluation in your daily life Usefulness It explains using a lot of examples which make you easier to understand. Limitations The limitation is it only covers up the 4 ethical evaluations, where actually there is more than that. Conclusions But somehow, it explains well what is Kantianism, Act Utilitarian, Rule Utilitarian and Social Contract Theory is. My reflection This book helps me a lot in doing my research in the ethical evaluation section Article 18 Books e-books Citation Heresies : against progress and other illusions GRAY, J. (2004). Heresies: against progress and other illusions. London, Granta. Introduction He stated a quote in his introduction: Unlike science, ethics and politics are not activities in which what is learned in one generation can be passed on to an infinite

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Globalisation And Its Effect On Sovereignty

Globalisation And Its Effect On Sovereignty In essence, understanding the consequences that subsequently emerge from globalization and sovereignty depends on how we define both the globalization and sovereignty. Once defined it is much clearer to draw out the central themes concerning the relationship between globalisation and sovereignty. In this essay, the subject matter I have chosen to address pays focal attention to the three most palpable issues; political, economic and security-related safekeeping. In each case, I aim to demonstrate that globalization has both threatened sovereignty and strengthened it. Ultimately, I intend to show that whilst globalization has transformed our understanding of sovereignty it has progressed in such a way that globalization has, to a large degree, been structured around the Westphalian concept. If we are to understand how the consequences of globalization affect our understanding of sovereignty, we must first define what we mean when we speak of sovereignty and globalisation. For the sake of simplicity, I will offer a definition of both globalisation and sovereignty and proceeding from that basis draw out the consequences such a definition of globalization has on such a definition of sovereignty. Globalization is best defined as a relatively recent process of worldwide integration, cooperation and conscious building whereby an increase in the flows and trade of ideas, people, goods and services between national state borders is prevalent. Sovereignty is best defined as the recognised privilege of nation-states to legitimately hold and exercise complete authority over a territorialized jurisdiction, determine ones own destiny within ones territorialized jurisdiction and the freedom from external interference to dictate such domestic governing. Throughout human history, the globe has gone through a series of material epochs that have also brought with it a series of epochs concerning human political organization. The two most striking epochs shaping human political or ganisation in recent times have been firstly; the emergence of the modern state, and secondly; the emergence of an era many contemporary political analysts regard as the post-modern epoch. It is these two prominent concepts of human political organisation that have fashioned the debate of globalization and sovereignty. The era in which the modern state emerged can be expectedly traced back to the Westphalian Peace Treaty of 1648 where the idea of state sovereignty arose and set the foundations to the normative structure for international relations in the last several hundred years (McGrew, 2009: 23). As the sovereign state arose because of a particular conjunction of social and political interests in Europe (Mansbach, 2000: 59) so too have interests dictated that sovereign states be drawn into union in the post-modern era. The most defining interests of the post-modern era that have drawn sovereign states into union have centred on political, economic and security-related safekeepin g. International political relations in the 20th century have drastically transformed the way in which nation-states co-operate. Since the 1940s, substantial political integration has become so predominant that some political theorists believe that the idea of Westphalian sovereignty no longer pertains. Political interconnectedness via international and regional organisations such as the United Nations and European Union has meant that nation-states are increasingly coalescing and thus sacrificing their recognition as sovereign. Advocates of such a view argue that supranational entities such as the European Union demand unified conformity and thus gradually erode the individual legal characteristics set by the legitimate authority put in place to govern over a territorialized jurisdiction. As such, they argue member states of the European Union have forfeited their freedom to determine their own destiny by willingly granting external entities the privilege to interfere and dictate d omestic governing. A classic contemporary example we can take into consideration of where critics argue that the monopoly of domestic-retained governing is undermined and reduced can be found in the European Unions European Court of Justice. Via the European Arrest Warrant, the European Court of Justice issued an extradition order for British citizen and controversial historian Frederick Toben in 2008 for alleged denial of the Holocaust. Whilst the German government who had initiated the arrest warrant eventually abandoned the extradition order, critics of globalization would argue that the incident demonstrates that the extent of British integration into the European Union calls into question the definitive distinctions between state sovereignty and supranational interference. Conversely, however, advocates of British membership to the European Union would argue that the fact that the extradition order was dropped demonstrates that member states clearly still retain the legitimate monopoly to exercise complete enforcement of domestic laws. Nevertheless, whilst critics of globalization may perceive the consequences of globalization to be eroding the concept of state sovereignty, and political theorists such as Stephen D. Krasner accepts that state interdependence has somewhat reduced the Westphalian concept of state sovereignty when the domestic jurisdiction of sovereignty is taken into account, Krasner also argues that globalization is not necessarily eroding the concept of state sovereignty but evolving, enhancing and expanding the concept (Krasner, 1999). Supporters of this argument would point to international organisations such as the United Nations that stresses each member state recognise and uphold the principle of respect for the territorial and political jurisdiction of fellow states (Mansbach, 2000: 71). In this way, whilst some may see international organisations of this nature to have a negative influence on the idea of sovereignty, it is argued t hat such organisations in fact strengthen the value of sovereignty by including the idea as a central pillar to United Nations structure. Political integration is practically inseparable from economic integration. The latter has also been a historic product of globalization, specifically since the end of the Cold War. The internationalization of commerce, spreading global capitalism into all continents, has become so substantial that the issue of borders has become irrelevant and vanished as an effective control mechanism (Reynolds, 2000: 650-656). For national state sovereignty therefore, economic amalgamation has become an inevitable consequence to which many feel has both merits and demerits. International organisations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have played an extensive role in shaping intercontinental trade and thus created animosity and resentment in specifically non-Western states where it is properly accepted as an extension of Western ideolog y. In recent years, there has been some vocal opposition to the International Monetary Funds involvement in South Africa where the post-apartheid state continues to be indebted by International Monetary Fund loans dating back to the apartheid era. For many South Africans such colossal debt, they feel, has prevented them from making good their freedom in the post-apartheid era and ultimately restricted their ability to direct funds toward social programmes such as education, health and even policing within their territorial jurisdiction. In essence, many of those who resent economic integration feel The increasing internationalisation of national economies and the increasing transnational character of capital, suggests that policies designed to compete for inward investment favour transnational rather than national interests (Ralph, 2001: 158). However, advocates of global capitalism and the democratic peace theory argue that the internationalization of trade has not only created gre ater wealth (Osterhammel and Petersson, 2005: 121) but also lessened the prospect of military conflict among state actors that adopt liberal democratic political values and thus capitalist economics. Therefore, they argue, ensuring state stability on a global basis and accordingly reinforcing the effectiveness of state sovereignty, internally and externally. This is evident if one takes into account that since the 1940s, countries that have adopted liberal democracy and capitalist economics have not waged war against one another or had a civil war. Interlinked with state stability and sovereignty in a global era is the issue of security-related safekeeping. The issue of security-related safekeeping is also, like political relations, intertwined with the economic aspect. Technological advance in areas such as transport and communications has had an impact on sovereignty on a global scale so much so that it has shaped, if not dictated, greater co-operation among state actors in times of peace and in times of conflict. Conflict, specifically, has drastically changed over the last several centuries due to the global integration of both technology and communications. In contemporary international relations, state actors have been effectively forced to collaborate on related national security interests (Mansbach, 2000: 80-92). International relations in the 21st century has been commonly referred to an era whereby global cooperation between state actors will be crucial in managing the phenomenon of global terror (Eriksen, 2007: 134-138). This phenomenon of global terror has greatly benefited from the technological advance of transport and communications and thus revolutionized contemporary warfare. The War in Afghanistan, for example, was prompted not by any central authority in the nation-state but by non-state actors Al Qaeda. As a result of the September 11th Attacks the War on Terror has challenged the state sovereignty of numerous nation-states, predominantly Iraq and most recently Iran. Greater emphasis has also been placed on international stability and human rights. Thus, the globalization of terrorism has transformed the way in which we conceptualise the right to the privilege of sovereignty of other nation-state and the way in which we ourselves perceive our own sovereignty in the post-modern age (Arnold, 2008: 190-209). However, there are those that whilst recognizing that the art of war has changed over time, of which globalization has had an immeasurable impact upon, who argue that If we think of global politics today as unfolding in an arena without superordinate authority, in which overlapping groups compete with each otherand in which the potential for violence is present, then the politics of medieval Europe may not seem so alien (Mansbach, 2000: 43). Some would even go as far to say that the art of war, or rather terrorism, has only superficially changed (Baylis and Rengger, 1992: 229-230). In this sense, the Hobbesian view that the period in which the Westphalian concept of state sovereignty arose in Europe was a time where lack of security and the absence of clear centres of authorityerased the distinction between the domestic and foreign realms (Mansbach, 2000: 44) can be considered exceptionally relevant to how the Westphalian concept still remains a central pillar to the normative structure of inter-state security relations since its emergence. In conclusion, understanding the consequences that subsequently emerge from globalization and sovereignty depends on how we define both concepts. Proceeding from that basis there are three central issues that are instantly recognizable to such a discussion, namely; political, economic and security-related safekeeping. In each case, globalization has both threatened sovereignty and strengthened it. Ultimately, I consider that Since state evolution was gradual, states managed to monopolize the means of coercionToday, some states have surrendered that monopoly . This does not suggest that states will become irrelevant or disappear. Rather they must share pride of place with other actors and must co-operate with one anotherto cope with todays challenges (Mansbach, 2000: 59).